I believe the degree to which you are off balance is the degree to your unhappiness and lack of well being. Kinesiology Body and Mind Melbourne offers a truly holistic practice that cares for the person as a whole. This approach recognises that true health, vitality and happiness comes from a well-balanced body, mind and spirit. This comprehensive therapy combines traditional Chinese teachings of the meridian system, with the Western teachings of muscle testing, anatomy and physiology.
Once the underlying causal factors of the imbalance have been identified, our Melbourne-based kinesiologist can release blocked energy and rebalance the body allowing your own innate healing intelligence to restore wellness from within.
Our Melbourne Kinesiology practice can make positive changes to your overall wellbeing by balancing and correcting:
Emotional Health
Loss and Grief
Spiritual Health
Chakra Balancing
Physical Health
Muscle Pain
Restricted Movement and Function
Learning difficulties
Brain Integration
Enhanced Learning
Memory Concerns
Poor Concentration
Attention Deficit
Respiratory Issues
Circulatory Issues
Unhealthy Eating Habits
Read client testimonials here.