Kinesiology is a holistic mind and body health care approach that incorporates the knowledge of Eastern medicine and Western understandings of anatomy and physiology. It is founded on the belief that your body innately knows how to heal itself.
Kinesiology uses muscle monitoring to bypass the conscious mind and work directly with your subconscious, allowing your body to identify and direct the healing processes, which are individual to you.
Often the symptoms of a condition can appear the same in a number of people, but the onset or causal factors are individualised to you. Imagine having a tool that can access what your body needs to heal and maintain balance and equilibrium.
In the practice of kinesiology each muscle group is related to a body system, such as the digestive system, respiratory system, immune system etc. By recognising the responses of these muscle groups, stresses and imbalances of that particular system can be identified. To correct these imbalances, muscle monitoring is employed to find the most beneficial correction technique from a toolbox of physical, emotional, biochemical or spiritual processes.
Kinesiology can assist with and correct a multitude of ailments and symptoms such as:
Structural pain issues: hips, knees, feet, back, shoulders, neck, jaw and grinding of teeth.
Emotional issues: phobias, anxiety, overwhelming emotional instability and depression.
Neurological issues: brain fog, memory concerns, poor concentration and difficulties in learning new information.
Biochemical issues: sugar cravings, toxicity in the body, poor circulation, breathing issues and asthma.